Cellulite Treatment
Cellulite Treatment

The problem of cellulite and regional lubrication is a major problem of many weak or obese people. Inactivity and dietary irregularities are two of the most important causes of cellulite Only the superficial subcutaneous fat layer in all the fat layers in the body is affected by cellulite. This area is unfortunately the last layer affected by weight loss. Therefore, exercise and weight loss do not eliminate cellulite. People who exercise regularly and apply low-fat diets can still have cellulite. This makes cellulite and cellulite treatment a completely different problem.

In order to have tight, smooth legs and hips, many treatment options are usually applied, but the most effective results are taken with combined treatments. Cellulite treatment, carbohydrate and reduced salt amount of balanced nutrition, lymph drainage massages and exercise to support the effectiveness and persistence of the results can be provided. Reducing the amount of fat cells alone and thinning the region tissue can not provide a smooth appearance, for a thinner silhouette, the elasticity of the skin must be recovered.

In order to restructure the problematic regions, the first treatment options we use in our clinic are creams and lymphodilution-massage treatments. In troubled areas, the air pressure and the lymphodilation method, which improves blood circulation and lymph circulation, are combined with creams to provide effective treatment. Recovery improves the fat distribution and orange peel appearance. However, in most of our patients, these therapies are not enough and other treatments are needed for further treatment.

Mesotherapy is a very effective treatment option that eliminates cellulite and regional excesses. Therapeutic solutions to regulate microcirculation under the skin with this method are injected into problematic areas with very fine needles. Regional circulation is regulated, and the disintegration of stubborn oils, such as by detergent disintegration, is ensured. The treatment is continued for 6-10 sessions at intervals of 10-14 days. As a result of the treatment, the loose patchy connective tissue is supported, regional thinning is achieved and the orange peel appearance is improved.

Laser lipolysis; With a special NdYAG laser mode applied to cellulite areas, the Photona PIANO mod accelerates regional blood circulation and the fat tissue is heated in depth, the fat cells are liquefied and the surrounding tissue tightened.

Onda COOLWAVES; In cellulite treatment, it eliminates the appearance of the orange peel by targeting the fibrous bands between the fat globules. In the treatment of localized fat accumulation, high electromagnetic waves in the region cause damage to the cell membrane in subcutaneous fat tissue. As a result, fluidized fluid passes into the lymphatic circulation and excreted in the urine. With the stimulation of fibroblasts during the treatment, the collapse of collagen and elastin fibers resulting in a drooping and corneal appearance and the formation of new fibers are achieved and the skin becomes firm and smooth.

It should be remembered that the first treatment should be done; Make lifestyle changes and eliminate the factors that cause cellulite. Proper diet, regular nutrition and exercise, smoking and alcohol should be avoided. Consuming 2-3 liters of water a day and taking vitamin C supplements helps in the treatment of cellulite. In our clinic, the number and intervals of cellulite treatments are individually planned according to the amount and depth of cellulite. By using treatment options alone and / or in combination, effective and permanent results are obtained in cellulite treatment.